برنامج مكتبة الكتب الدينية المجاني على الايفون والايباد

برنامج مجاني 

Islamic AudioBook App

كتب الدينية

عبارة عن برنامج مجاني كويتي على الايفون والايباد يتيح لك القدرة على القراءة والاستماع إلى الكتب دينية على مذهب أهل السنة والجماعة ولديه الكثير من المميزات مثل

 القدرة على تكبير الخط. هذا البرنامج مفيد خصوصا لكبار السن ومن يعانون من مشاكل بصرية* 

 كتابة ملاحظات على الصفحة*

وضع علامة على الصفحة حتى يتسنى للقارئ الرجوع إلى الصفحة مرة أخرى*

يتوفر حاليا أكثر من ١٨٠ مادة علمية منها كتب دينية ورسالات قصيرة من علماء أهل السنة والجماعة مثل شيخ الالباني و شيخ محمد بن صالح العثيمين و شيخ عبدالعزيز بن باز و شيخ صالح الفوزان، الخ

بعد تنزيل وتثبيت البرنامج انقر على المكتبة الالكترونية (أعلى اليسار) للاطلاع على الكتب المتوفرة لتنزيلها على جهازك

 اضغظ على الرابط لتنزيل هذا البرنامج المجاني الرائع

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حملة تطوعية لتنظيف الكويت بعد الاعياد الوطنية

 يوجد حملة تطوعية لتنظيف الكويت بعد الاعياد الوطنية . اتمنى من الناس تشارك. هذا حسابهم بتويتر راح يعلنون بحسابهم عن موعد اللقاء الليلة ان شاء الله


Keep Kuwait Clean

كويتنا تستاهل  ♥♥ 

ملاحظة: انا مو صاحبة الفكرة ولا صاحبة الحساب بتويتر. بس قلت اسوي لهم  دعاية لان الفكرة ممتازة

  🙂 موفقين ان شاء الله

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لمحبي الكويت فقط: شارك بحملة تدوير النفايات

Kuwait Towers

 هل تحب الكويت وتموت فيها؟

اذا …. نعم

…اثبت حبك لها عن طريق المشاركة بتدوير نفاياتك

نبي الكويت خضراء

اعادة تدوير النفايات (اوراق-معادن-بلاستيك-زجاج) هو واجب وطني على كل كويتي ومقيم على ارض الكويت الحبيبة

هل تعلم ان الكويت تحتل المركز العاشر عالميا في تلوث الهواء (مصدر: منظمة الصحة العالمية)؟

لو كل كويتي ومقيم محب لهذا البلد العزيز  يشارك بتدوير النفايات… راح نشوف الكويت باذن الله تحتل مراكز الاولى بالنظافة بدلا من التلوث

شارك باعادة تدوير نفاياتك عن طريق الاتصال باي رقم من الشركات التالية. هم يوفرون لك الحاويات . المجانية ويقومون باستلامهم منك اسبوعيا

شركة الهدف الاخضر 94444927

شركة بن سليم البيئي للتدوير 94925865

والله كويتنا تستاهل  ♥♥ 

انشرها فقط لمن تعرفه يحب الكويت

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Organic Tomato Harvest Day! :-)

Tomato Harvest Day

It’s been six months and my tomato plants are all grown up and are yielding Tomatoes. I’ve all grown more than 30 plants from seeds and they have managed to survive this year’s cold weather. All Organic. I didn’t use any pesticide. 🙂




Tomato Plants in February 2012

Today, I harvested almost 2 kilos worth of variety types of Tomatoes. Below is the list of the variety of Tomato Plants I’ve grown this year. I’m really proud myself. Now that the weather is getting warmer, I am going to harvest kilos of Organic Tomatoes every week. YAY! Btw, I don’t like eating Tomatoes. I just like growing them.  😛

  • Tomato Berry F1 Hybrid
  • Tomato Shirley F1 Hybrid
  • Tomato Country Taste F1 Hybrid
  • Tomato Harlequin F1 Hybrid
  • Tomato Totem F1 Hybrid
  • Tomato Maskotka
  • Tomato Juliet
  • Tomato  Tumbling Tom Red
  • Tomato Vilma
  • Tomato Italian Pomodoro (2 kinds)
  • Tomato Black Cherry
  • Tomato Tigerlla (Mr. Stripey)
  • Tomato Gardener’s Delight.
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Morocco Trip: Yves Saint Laurent’s Majorelle Garden

Cactus in Jardin Majorelle

I visited Jardin Majorelle in Marrakech. It’s a garden that was established by French painter, Jacques Majorelle. Jacque Majorelle bought the land in 1924 and opened it to the public in 1947. The garden is filled with many kinds of interesting plants such as cactuses, bamboos, palms, etc. The garden was later purchased & restored by Yves Saint Laurent & Pierre Berge. The garden has a Cafe, a gift shop & a Museum of Moroccan Art. It’s located on Rue Yves Saint Laurent. It turned out Yves Saint Laurent loved Marrakech and owned a house there. His ashes were scattered in this garden and they have a memorial dedicated to him.

Museum of Moroccan Art


Anyways, I loved the quiet atmosphere and looking at many kinds of cactuses. I never thought there were so many varieties of cactuses. There were kinds that I only saw in American Western Movies so it was very cool to see them up-close. 🙂 After having a relaxing walk in the garden, I went to the Cafe to drink Moroccan Tea. I don’t know why but after looking at the cactuses, I felt inspired. I want to have my own cactus garden now.  😛




Enjoy More pictures below & Stay Tuned for more about the trip.   🙂



Bambo in Jardin Majorelle

Cactus in Jardin Majorelle

Cactus in Jardin Majorelle

Cactus in Jardin Majorelle

Cactus in Jardin Majorelle

Cactus in Jardin Majorelle

Museum of Moroccan Art

A pond in Jardin Majorelle

Rue Yves Saint Laurent

Water Pouring Moroccan Tea at Cafe

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Morocco Trip: Argan Oil

Berber lady is cracking the nut to obtain the argan

Honestly before visiting Morocco, I had never heard of Argan oil (زيت أرجان) so here is a little info. Argan trees are only found in Morocco & some parts of Algeria. They live for 150-200 years. They produce fruit which take one year to mature. There are oil-rich seeds in inside the Argan nuts that Berber people rely on to make their living. Berber people manually extract the oil from the nuts to sell it and they also use it as a replacement for olive oil.

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Morocco Trip: Ourika River

Ourika River in Marrakech

When I was in Marrakech, we took 1.5 hour car trip to Ourika River (نهر اوريكا). The view was beautiful. Atlas mountain tops were filled with snow & it was cold. I enjoyed breathing the clean air. Honestly, when I planned to visit Morocco, I expected to see deserts Not Green scenery and mountain tops of snows so it was a wonderful surprise 🙂



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Morocco Trip: Food & Restaurants in Casablanca & Marrakech

View of the tables in La Fibule in Casablanca

Today’s post is about the food in in Casablanca & Marrakech. I love Moroccan Food but the food in there didn’t meet my expectation. I went to several popular restaurants but the food was mostly average. I felt the food lacked proper spices. Maybe, I am used to fusion cuisine where they mix Moroccan spices with other Middle Eastern spices. In every restaurant I went to, Tajin Meat with Black Plums (طاجن لحم بالبرقوق) was the best dish we ordered. Moreover, wherever restaurant we went to, the meat was always tender & soft. Even though the food was kind of disappointing to me, the design & decoration of each restaurant were truly fascinating. The walls were carved and colored by hands. You can feel that you are in Morocco. Considering,  Kuwaitis love having their pictures taken & posting them on BB, Facebook, instagram, etc. You will never be disappointed. You will have your share of photo sessions like I did.  😛

Shots of Al-Mounia Restaurant in Casablanca

Anyway, the first Moroccan restaurant we went to was Al-Mounia in Casablanca. The atmosphere and the interior design were great. I loved them. When I got in, I really felt I was in Morocco. They have indoor and outdoor areas. We arrived for dinner so they were only serving indoors. I am not sure when do they open the outdoors area. Good thing we arrived around 7pm because at 9pm the restaurant was FULL. So if you plan to have a late dinner, you might want to reserve a table before going there. We ordered several dishes. Some were good and some were average. And Ladies, prepare your cameras to have photo sessions indoors & outdoors.  😛

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Morocco Trip: Casablanca Old Souks & Morocco Mall

Alhobous Souk in Casablanca

One week ago, I returned from a trip to Casablanca & Marrakech in Morocco. I must say Marrakech is a Must-see city. I fell in love with the country and its people & I want to visit them again. The country is Green & beautiful and the people are kind. Honestly, I’ve always heard some awful stories about the people and what I saw was Exactly the opposite. Out of all Middle Eastern countries I had visited, they were the most sincere and kindest people I had ever met. My family think I was bewitched. 😛 I really can’t stop talking about how beautiful the country was & how kind the people were.


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Best Apps for Traveling for Android Phone Owners

I’m a proud owner of Samsung Galaxy S2 and I’ve been using these two apps for traveling in the past 8 months and they definitely made my life much easier.

TripIt (Free)

It sorts out the trips by dates

Trip it is a free app. Just create an account for free and when you book a flight or hotel online, forward the confirmation emails to them and they will automatically add it to your account and it will show up in your app. It’s useful as it sorts out your trips by dates & adds all the information that you need for your trip such as confirmation number for flights & hotels, check-in & check-out time for hotels, flight departure, arrival & duration, etc.I’ve used this app for more than 6 trips. It definitely made my life easier as I no longer print the confirmation emails or try to allocate them on my mobile phone. I tend to book trips months in advance and forget all the detailed information about them so it is useful to have all the information on the palm of your hand when you need them. Continue reading

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